2009-10-14 @ 17:07:52
Snygg som få
Tyra Banks visade nyligen upp sin nya kropp på New Yorks gator. Förr köpte hon kläder i storlek 44, nu har hon återvänt till 34/36.
Tyra: "I might be doing a little TMI (too much information) - I always feel great when
I don't have clothes on ... When I told the world to kiss my fat a**, I remained
that size for two years. I maintained it with my ice cream and my salad with
ranch and dressing and croutons and bacon bits."

I don't have clothes on ... When I told the world to kiss my fat a**, I remained
that size for two years. I maintained it with my ice cream and my salad with
ranch and dressing and croutons and bacon bits."
